
International Women's Day 2021 at H.B. Fuller

International Women’s Day: Choose to Challenge

Posted 08 3月 2021 by Kimberlee Sinclair, Director, Global Communications

International Women’s Day: Choose to Challenge 

At H.B. Fuller, we celebrate the achievements of the women throughout our company. This International Women’s Day, we’re embracing #ChooseToChallenge and taking every opportunity we can to help forge a gender equal world. In acknowledgement of our incredible female talent, we’d like to introduce you to some wonderful women at H.B. Fuller and spotlight some of their latest achievements. 

Meet Annett Linemann 

Annett H.B. Fuller EmployeeAnnett Linemann is a PhD chemist who has held several R&D positions within H.B. Fuller, including regional R&D Director, and supports local teams and labs toward a state-of-the-art innovation culture and infrastructure. She studied at the Technical University of Berlin and has had a storied scientific career.  
From filtration challenges with natural polysaccharides to research for lightweight vehicles and polyamide based adhesive development, Annett brings years of scientific experience to H.B. Fuller. In her current role, Annett actively seeks and pursues new technology trends, identifying what could be the next breakthrough technology for Engineering Adhesives in the coming years.  
One of the things she reflects on for International Women’s Day is the challenge women face in being accepted as competent contributors to technical solutions, especially in the male-dominated industries of automotive technology, electronics, and brewing.  
“Women are often regarded to be more competent in ‘softer, more social’ fields like environmental and climate protection,” Annett says. “The good thing is that, in modern times, technical solutions and this softer regard for the climate go together well. I’m in a lucky position to combine these two worlds at H.B. Fuller.” 
When asked what #ChooseToChallenge means to her, Annett says, “Every human being should become visible and be involved according to their strengths and competencies to the benefit of all!” She also mentioned the enhanced diversity among all employees at H.B. Fuller, which empowers all employees to follow their best and most suitable career path. 
Annett also has insights about how to mentor and encourage women in the workplace: “My methodology is to work respectfully with every employee and demonstrate how to contribute to H.B. Fuller’s success through my own behavior. I encourage women to continue to learn and increase their knowledge and expertise. I help to increase their visibility by letting them present results themselves and encourage them to participate in external communications where possible, whether that’s with customers, suppliers, conference associations, or fairs and shows.” 
Also of concern to Annett is the “double-load” women have experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, where the balance of work and life at home has been in flux. “As a consequence,” she mentions, “women might ‘naturally’ step back from their professional engagements, since they simply need to spend most of their energy in organizing the daily life of their families. This may be avoided where possible by distributing such efforts to all family members. Respect, involvement, and equal salaries for women is the only way mankind can handle the global challenges formulated by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG).” 

Meet Lina Maria Garcia Mejia

Lina H.B. Fuller Employee


Lina’s career began in 2001 when she joined H.B. Fuller as an assistant in the Quality and Assurance department. It was there that she grew her knowledge in adhesive manufacturing, and the industry fostered her curiosity and passion to continue her professional training.

With support provided from H.B. Fuller’s career development plans, Lina has gone many places during her 20 years of service, including working as a technical assistant water baser, chief of quality assurance, and regional SAP implementation focused on the Plan-to-Produce module. She’s currently the facility manager and legal representative of H.B. Fuller’s manufacturing plant in Colombia. According to Lina, “As a woman, it is a source of great pride to be trusted by H.B. Fuller, a company with a strict code of ethics that supports gender equality. The resources here helped me to overcome constant challenges and succeed in achieving, every time, a better version of myself both as a person and as a professional.

During International Women’s Day, she reflects on all the challenges women have faced throughout history and what they have gradually overcome in terms of gender equality rights. “However,” Lina says, “we still have a long way to walk, given that inequalities remain in many governments and communities. As women in leading positions, we have the opportunity to act as agents of change with our example, energy, dedication, and constant commitment. This can help empower other women to be stronger and pursue their dreams.

Lina sees #ChooseToChallenge as a campaign that invites women to transcend gender equality: “Stay Positive! We’re great, and we can accomplish everything we dream of doing.”

She also has positive thoughts when it comes to mentoring other women in the workplace, saying, “As a leader, you should always keep in mind that people are the most important asset in every organization. Let your example be the model, inject energy, encourage others, provide opportunities for growth and development, maintain active listening, and recognize their achievements. Remember that mistakes are an important part of every learning process.

Lina also believes that change can and is happening for the better: “As women, we have the right to dream of a different world, one in which our ideas and contributions are extremely valuable. Never be afraid to take on challenges. Always choose to be the best version of yourself.

Read more stories about H.B. Fuller employees in the GlueTalk Blog.



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