
欢迎访问 H.B. Fuller 分销商定位器。如果您在查找以下未列出的特定分销商时需要更多帮助,或者需要查询特定产品或报价,请填写我们的联系表

Showing 300 distributors

  • 4titude Marketing 143 Kaki Bukit Ave 1, Shun Li Industrial Park Singapore Singapore 416006 teo.4titude@gmail.com https://www.sgpbusiness.com/company/4titude-Marketing-Pte-Ltd
    Serving: Australia 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives
  • A2 Adesivos Ltda Rua Francisco Andrade 70 São Paulo Brasil 05134-110 adhemar@a2adesivos.com.br https://www.a2adesivos.com.br/
    Serving: Brazil 工业: Packaging, Paper Converting
  • AB System Wolnosci 18 Rydzyna 64-130 Poland dhamrol@ab-system.eu http://www.ab-system.eu
    Serving: Poland 工业: Packaging, Paper Converting, Labeling, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding
  • Abitare C.G. SRL Str. Brazilor nr.55, 500313 Brasov +40 268 412 600 contact@abitare.ro https://www.abitare.ro/
    Serving: Romania 工业: Glass, Footwear, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Abode Print Solutions Limited No 35 Enterprise Road, Industrial Area, Nairobi, Kenya 254 734 591 137 https://abodeprintsolutions.africa/
    Serving: Kenya 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Packaging, Hygiene Solutions for the Disposable Hygiene Market, Paper Converting
  • Abracintas y Adhesivos Av. Dr. Salvador Nava Martínez No. 2946, Fracc. Tangamanga C.P. San Luis Potosí, S.L.P. Mexico 78269 ventasla@hbfuller.com https://www.abracintasyadhesivos.com.mx/inicio/
    Serving: Mexico 工业: Packaging, Paper Converting, Labeling
  • ACC Gulf LLC Office # 1507, Opal Tower, Marasi Drive, Business Bay, Dubai, UAE justin@accgulf.com https://www.accgulf.com/
    Serving: United Arab Emirates 行业: Packaging
  • ACE Adhesives Limited Shenstone Drive Aldridge WS9 8TP West Midland, UK plee@aceadhesives.co.uk http://www.aceadhesives.co.uk
    Serving: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Market: Wood and Composites 工业: Labeling, Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • AdCo UK Limited 43-45 Passfield Business Centre, Lynchborough Rd, Liphook, England GU30 7SB matt@glues.direct https://gluesdirect.co.uk/catalog/index.php
    Serving: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 工业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: Tuskbond
  • Adelaide Packaging Supplies Unit H 5, Butler Boulevard Adelaide Airport Adelaide, South Australia 5950 sales@adpack.com.au http://www.adpack.com.au/
    Serving: Australia 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing

    1 Rue du Parc

    95300 Hérouville-en-Vexinul, France

    +33 1 30 75 25 25 jean.delcroix@adezif.fr https://www.adezif.fr
    Serving: France 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Adhe-Melt de México

    Monte Himalaya Manzana 413 Lote 21 Jardines de Morelos Seccion Montes A Ecatepec, Estado de Mexico 55070

    ventasla@hbfuller.com https://www.adhemelt.com/
    Serving: Mexico 工业: Labeling, Paper Converting, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding
  • Adhenaca C.A

    Avenida Este-Oeste NRO 5, Edificio I.O.I. CC DIFU. Pisona Local Galpon NRO 1. Zona Industrial Municipal Norte Valencia Carabobo 2003

    Serving: Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 工业: Packaging, Labeling, Paper Converting, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Wood and Composites
  • Adhesint S.R.L.

    Inclán 3059, San Justo, 1454, Buenos Aires

    jsraino@adhesint.com https://adhesint.com/
    Serving: Argentina 工业: Packaging, Paper Converting, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Labeling
  • Adhesivos Industriales Estrella

    Ganaderos 98 Granjas Esmeralda Iztapalapa Ciudad de Mexico 9810

    ventasla@hbfuller.com http://www.adhesivosestrella.com.mx
    Serving: Mexico 工业: Labeling, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Paper Converting
  • Adhesivos Metropolitanos

    Laguna Azul Manzana 52 Lote 11 PB 1, Laguna De Chiconautla Seccion Elementos Ecatepec Estado de Mexico 55070

    ventasla@hbfuller.com http://adhesivosmetropolitanos.com/
    Serving: Mexico 工业: Labeling, Packaging, Paper Converting, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Adhyser S.R.L.

    Av. Gral. Eugenio Garzón 5949, C1140AYU, CABA

    ventas@adhyser.com.ar http://adhyser.com.ar/
    Serving: Argentina 行业: Wood and Composites
  • AECI Specialty Chemicals AECI Chem Park, 2nd Floor, Block 2, 200 Bergrivier Drive, Chloorkop Ext. 24, Kempton Park, South Africa, 1619 +27 11 922 1600 Charl.Fourie@aeciworld.com https://www.aeciworld.com/specialty-chemicals
    Serving: South Africa Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Friction Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • AGA Print LLC

    Flat 12 Sundukian 90, 0062 Yerevan, Armenia

    37410201563 info@agaprint.am http://www.ampg.am/
    Serving: Armenia 行业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding locationsBrands: BAM, Pressen, Prodas
  • AGAMI-Sociedade de Rep. Lda Zona Industrial da Maia, Sector 1, Lote 14  Lugar do Outeiro – Gemunde, 4475-132 Maia, Portugal +351 22 9479520 benjamim.gomes@agami.pt https://www.agami.pt/
    Serving: Portugal Markets: Automotive, Aerospace, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • Akbar Brothers Pvt Ltd 334, T.B. Jaya Mawatha Colombo 10 thabith.m@akbar.com http://www.akbar.com/
    Serving: Sri Lanka
  • Algol Chemicals OY PO Box 13, Karapellontie 6, FIN-02611 Espoo, Finland +358 40 681 4324 mika.lammi@algol.com https://www.algol.fi/
    Serving: Finland Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • Ambe Sales Corporation 188 B Village Patparganj Delhi 110091 ambesalescorporation@rediffmail.com
    Serving: India 行业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding
  • An Loc Phat International L34/38 Le Duc Tho Str, Ward 6, Ho ChiMinh City – Go Vap District, Vietnam hahai.nguyen@yahoo.com https://www.yahoo.com
    Serving: Vietnam Markets: Automotive, Aerospace, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • Andreas Jacovides Trading Ltd 9 Imvrou str, 2234 Latsia Industrial Area, Nicosia +357 22 866300 sales@ajacovides.com https://ajacovides.com/
    Serving: Cyprus 行业: Glass
  • Aprodec

    Tablaje Catastral 20606 Jardines De Vista Alegre Merida Yucatan 97300

    ventasla@hbfuller.com http://www.aprodec.com.mx
    Serving: Mexico 工业: Labeling, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Packaging, Paper Converting, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Archanaa Marketing Agency #8, Kalingarayan Street, Royapettah Chennai Tamil Nadu 600014 kamatchi@soundaryagroup.in
    Serving: India 行业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding


    Serving: United States of America 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives
  • ARD Filters FZC Fujairah Free Zone Fujairah 4856 ardfilters@emirates.net.ae http://www.ardfilters.com/
    Serving: United Arab Emirates 行业: Packaging
  • Armstrong Packaging 55 Langford Street Pooraka Adelaide, South Australia 5095 branko@armpack.com.au http://www.armpack.com.au/
    Serving: Australia 工业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Armstrong Packaging PA 55 Langford Street Pooraka Adelaide, South Australia 5095 branko@armpack.com.au http://www.armpack.com.au/
    Serving: Australia
  • ATA Distributors NSW Factory 4, 14 Childs Road Chipping North Sydney, New South Wales 2170 sales@atadist.com.au http://www.atadist.com.au/
    Serving: Australia 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • ATA Distributors VIC Door 5, Factory 4, 272-284 Frankston-Dandenong Road Dandenong Melbourne, Australia 3175 sales@atadist.com.au http://www.atadist.com.au/
    Serving: Australia 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing


    pmott@atlasfasteners.com https://www.atlasfasteners.com/
    Serving: United States of America 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives
  • Azelis New Zealand Ltd 24-26 Poland Road, Glenfield, Auckland 10, New Zealand +64 21 023 20172 connor.tottle@azelis.com https://www.azelis.co.nz
    Serving: New Zealand Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • Balbino & Faustino, Lda Rua da Escola n° 9 - Facho-Cela Alcobaça 2461-601 Portugal geral@balbino-faustino.pt http://www.balbino-faustino.pt
    Serving: Portugal Market: Wood and Composites 行业: Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • Bang & Bonsomer Itälahdenkatu 18 A, 00210 Helsinki +358 9 681 081 Antti.Mehtomaa@bangbonsomer.com https://polymers-packaging.bangbonsomer.com/
    Serving: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland Technology: Polymers 工业: Packaging, Labeling, Paper Converting, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Wood and Composites locationsBrands: BAM, Pressen, Prodas
  • Behn Meyer Chemicals (Philippines) Inc. No. 17 Unit 1808 Hanston Square, San Miguel Ave. Ortigas Center, San Antonio 1600 City of Pasig NCR, Second District Philippines +63 917 573 3278 aizadeguzman@behnmeyer.com.ph https://www.behnmeyer.com/
    Serving: Philippines Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • Behn Meyer Chemicals (T) Co.,Ltd 70/1, Liap Khlong Mon Road, Tubyao, Ladkrabang, Bangkok, 10520, Thailand +66 2327 9800 wiboonsak@behnmeyer.co.th https://www.behnmeyer.com/
    Serving: Thailand Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • Behn Meyer (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. 2F-1, No. 461, Sec. 6, Nanjing East Road, Neihu Dist. Taipei City 11469, Taiwan(R.O.C.) 886-2-27936715-16 neocheng@behnmeyer.tw https://www.behnmeyer.com/
    Serving: Taiwan (Province of China) Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • BELL d.o.o. Ptujska cesta 13 Miklavž na Dravskem polju, 2204 Slovenia info@bell.si https://www.bell.si/
    Serving: Slovenia, Croatia 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing

    2900 W. FAIRMOUNT AVE. PHOENIX, AZ 85017

    sales@bestmaterials.com https://www.bestmaterials.com/
    Serving: United States of America 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives
  • Beverly Foods Ltd Nauki Avenue, 42/1 Kiev 3028 Ukraine vladimir@beverly.kiev.ua http://www.berverly.kiev.ua
    Serving: Ukraine Market: Wood and Composites 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Labeling, Packaging, Paper Converting, Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • Biesterfeld Norge AS Torvuttaket 89, 1540 Vestby, Norway +47 64 97 55 55 christian.b@biesterfeld.no https://biesterfeld.no/
    Serving: Norway Markets: Automotive, Aerospace, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND


    kevin.johnson@bhamfast.com https://bhamfast.com/
    Serving: United States of America 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives
  • Blu Sky UK LTD Unit 5, The Woodlands Centre, Stretton Way, Huyton, Liverpool, England L36 6AD mark.fitzsimons@bluskyltd.com https://bluskyltd.com/
    Serving: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 工业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: Tuskbond
  • Blue Red Chemicals 39-58 Seobuk-ro, Gajangsaneop, Gyeonggi-do, 18103, South Korea +82 31 378 8165 sjkim@blueredchemicals.com https://www.brchome.co.kr/
    Serving: Korea (Republic of) Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • Brenntag Bulgaria Ltd Serdica Offices 48 Sitnyakovo blvd, 10th floor Sofia 1505 Bulgaria plamen.petrov@brenntag.bg http://www.brenntag.bg
    Serving: Bulgaria
  • Brenntag Chemicals Nigeria Limited Plot 1, Block G Oshodi Industrial Park Layout. Apapa - Oshodi Expressway Matori, 0000 Lagos Nigeria 234 913 934 8896 https://www.brenntag.com/en-ng/
    Serving: Nigeria 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Packaging, Labeling, Hygiene Solutions for the Disposable Hygiene Market, Paper Converting
  • Brenntag Ghana Limited Plot N0, Agro Industry, 30F Accra - Aflao Rd, Tema, Ghana 27 10 020 9100 https://www.brenntag.com/en-gh/
    Serving: Ghana 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Packaging, Labeling, Hygiene Solutions for the Disposable Hygiene Market, Paper Converting
  • Brenntag Hrvatska d.o.o. Radnicka cesta 177 Zagreb 10000 Croatia lucija.kojic@brenntag.hr http://www.brenntag.hr
    Serving: Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia 工业: Labeling, Packaging, Paper Converting, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding
  • Brenntag Quimica, S.A. Brenntag (Specialities), Tuset 8, 08006 Barcelona, Spain +34 93 218 4404 xavier.ramirez@brenntag.com https://www.brenntag.com/es-es/
    Serving: Spain Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Friction Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • Brenntag SRL str. Drumul Garii, nr.2 BIS, 077040 Chiajna, Romania +40 21 436 0493 daniel.milea@brenntag.ro https://www.brenntag.com/
    Serving: Romania Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • Bulteau Systems

    885 Route Des Frênes – Zac De Joux À Arnas - BP 42 Villefranche Sur Saone 69652 Hône Alpes, France

    dlepers@bulteausystems.com http://www.bulteausystems.com
    Serving: France 工业: Packaging, Labeling
  • Bunzl Outsourcing Services 14 Modal Cresent Canning Vale Perth, Australia 6155 perth.cs@bunzl.com.au http://www.bunzl.com.au/
    Serving: Australia 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Caberth Holdings Limited Plot no. 484, HSE No. BDC/KRG/MTB/163, Matumbini-Kerege, Bagamoyo, Coast region-Tanzania 255 754 881 201 bertha.s@caberth.co.tz
    Serving: Tanzania (United Republic of) 工业: Packaging, Labeling, Paper Converting
  • Captain & Company First Floor, Shafi Court, Merewether Road Karachi 75500 mustafa@captainandcompany.com http://www.captainandcompany.com/
    Serving: Pakistan 工业: Packaging, Paper Converting
  • Caribbean Petrochemical Manufacturung Limited Caribbean Drive, Pt.Lisas Industrial Estate, Pt. Lisas, Couva. Trinidad, West Indies. Port of Spain Trinidad and Tabago 127 hugo.barajas@hbfuller.com http://www.cpmltt.com
    Serving: Trinidad and Tobago 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Packaging, Paper Converting, Labeling, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Chemco Adhesives Unit 3/7 Heald Road Ingleburn Sydney, New South Wales 2565 darren@chemco.com.au https://www.cylex.com.au/company/chemco-adhesives-pty-ltd-14874678.html
    Serving: Australia 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Chemitra SDN.BHD 23, Jalan TPJ5, Taman, Perindustrian Jaya, 47200 Subang, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia +60 3 7845 3005 chemitra_sb@yahoo.com https://www.yahoo.com
    Serving: Malaysia Markets: Automotive, Aerospace, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • CHM KİMYA ÜRÜNLERİ A.Ş. Dudullu OSB Mah. DES Sanayi Sitesi 109. Sokak No:18 Ümraniye / Istanbul +90 216 393 1646 info@chmkimya.com https://www.chmkimya.com/
    Serving: Türkiye 行业: Glass
  • Cintandina S.A. Calle 38 N. 1-127 Cali Valle del Cauca comercial@cintandina.com
    Serving: Colombia 行业: Packaging
  • Cintas y Adhesivos del Bajio

    Francisco Zarco No 40, Colonia Lindavista Queretaro Queretaro 76160

    ventasla@hbfuller.com https://cintasyadhesivosdelbajiosadecv.miadn.mx/
    Serving: Mexico 工业: Labeling, Packaging, Paper Converting, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • City Graf - Gm Com Mat Graf Rua Arquias Cordeiro 658 Rio De Janeiro Brasil 20770-000 rodrigo@citygraf.com.br
    Serving: Brazil 工业: Packaging, Paper Converting
  • CJ Trade Finishers 546 Aristea Close - Boschenmeer Paarl 7646 Western Cape, South Africa chris@cjtraders.co.za
    Serving: South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe 工业: Packaging, Paper Converting, Labeling, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding
  • Clampline Distributors Unit 2, 13 Horizon Drive Beenleigh Brisbane, Queensland 4207 admin@clampline.com.au http://clampline.com.au/
    Serving: Australia 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives
  • Clavicant SL Pol. Ind. El Collet - Parcela 707 Benicarló 12580 Castellón, Spain comercial@clavicant.com http://www.clavicant.com
    Serving: Spain Market: Wood and Composites 行业: Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • Cmpania Azul S.A. Br Gral Artigas 54, Punta Carretas Montevideo pablo.tosar@companiaazul.com https://companiaazul.com/
    Serving: Uruguay 工业: Packaging, Paper Converting, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Labeling
  • CNI Tisk Servis, Spol.S.R.O. K Juliane 150 Prague 16400 Czech Republic objednavky@cnitisk.cz http://www.cnitisk.cz
    Serving: Czechia 工业: Paper Converting, Packaging, Labeling, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding
  • COIM Turkey Poliuretan ve Kimyasallar Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S., Cemal Sahir Cad. Altan Erbulak Sok. No9/3, Gayrettepe, Mecidiyekoy, Istanbul, Turkey +90 212 217 66 07 Ayca.Korkmaz@coimgroup.com https://www.coimgroup.com/
    Serving: Türkiye Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Friction Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • Cola Mais Francisco Beltrão – PR, Brazil atendimento@colamaiscomercial.com.br https://www.colamaiscomercial.com.br/
    Serving: Brazil 应用: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding 工业: Packaging, Labeling, Wood and Composites
  • Colax LDA Rua Oliveira Júniro - 1025 S. João da Madeira PT 3700 Norte, Portugal colax@armail.pt
    Serving: Portugal Market: Wood and Composites 行业: Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • Colisa, LDA Rua do Rio, 47 Maia 4475-493 Portugal encomendas@colisa.org https://www.colisa.org
    Serving: Portugal Market: Wood and Composites 工业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • Coll-Tec GmbH Schafwlesenstr. 70 Wels A-4600 Austria office@coll-tec.at https://www.colltec.at
    Serving: Austria, Germany, Hungary, Slovenia 行业: Footwear
  • Colono Agropecuario, S.A. De la Entrada Principal de Guápiles 5 Km Hacia Limón Sobre la Ruta 32. Limón Costa Rica ventasla@hbfuller.com http://www.grupocolono.com
    Serving: Costa Rica 行业: Packaging
  • Comercial LYC C. Saturnino Ulargui, 4, 26001 Logroño, La Rioja, Spain comerciallyc@fer.es http://www.comerciallyc.es
    Serving: Spain Market: Wood and Composites 行业: Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll

    CONJUNTO LA PRESA II, Carretera QuerÈtaro San Luis PotosÌ No. 24100 Bodega No.16, Colonia Santa Catarina, DelegaciÛn Santa Rosa Jauregui, Santiago de QuerÈtaro 76223

    kevin.johnson@bhamfast.com https://bhamfast.com/
    Serving: United States of America 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives
  • Covicol S.r.l Via Verdi 72 Paina di Giussano 20833 Lombardia, Italy saul.vigano@covicol.com http://www.covicol.com
    Serving: Italy Market: Wood and Composites 工业: Labeling, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Packaging, Paper Converting, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • CTG (CZ) Limited Kostomlatska 685/1, 196 00 Prague 9 Letňany, Czech Republic +420 283 931 838 bittner@ctg-praha.cz https://www.ctg-praha.cz/
    Serving: Czechia Markets: Automotive, Aerospace, Marine 应用: Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Friction Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • CTS Ironmongery Units 11 & 12, Halifax Industrial Centre, Pellon Lane, Marshway, Halifax, England HX1 5RW paulk@ctsironmongery.co.uk https://ctsironmongery.co.uk/
    Serving: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 工业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: Tuskbond
  • CVGS Sp. z o.o. sp.k. Adres Przejazdowa 99, Tychy 43-109 Poland waldemar.scierski@cvgs.pl https://cvgs.pl/
    Serving: Poland 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Dal Cin Gildo SpA Via Primo Maggio - 67 Concorezzo 20863 Monza Brianza, Italy packaging@dalcin.com http://www.dalcin.com
    Serving: Italy 行业: Packaging

    1825 WESTPARK DR SUITE #200 GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75050-1917

    kevin.johnson@bhamfast.com https://bhamfast.com/
    Serving: United States of America 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives

    5555 GIBRALTER ST. ONTARIO, CA 91764

    DBexpress@selfdrillers.com https://www.selfdrillers.com/
    Serving: Canada 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives
  • Delcore S.A.C. Calle Los Plateros Manzana E-2, Lote. 17 Urbanización El Artesano Lima Lima 03 Perú admin@delcore.com.pe https://delcore.com.pe/
    Serving: Peru 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Packaging, Labeling
  • Demcopack Polska Białostocka 9, Karpin 05-252 Poland tomasz.ryczek@demcopack.com https://gluecom.eu/pl-pl/home
    Serving: Poland 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Dev Raj Rangwala 520,Antriksh Bhawan,22 , Kasturba Gandhi Marg, Connaught Place, New Delhi – 110001 rakesh.khurana@devrajrangwala.com http://www.devrajrangwala.com/
    Serving: India 工业: Packaging, Technical Textiles
  • Devraj Rangwala Impex LLP DSM-348, 3rd Floor, DLF Tower, Najafgarh Road, Shivaji Marg, Moti Nagar, New Delhi, Pin 110015 Vinayak.khurana@devrajrangwala.com http://www.drrimpex.com/
    Serving: India 工业: Packaging, Technical Textiles
  • Devtec Technological Adhesives LTD 19 Alexander Yanai St Petach-Tiqva 4927719 Israel oded@devtec.co.il https://www.devtec.co.il
    Serving: Israel 工业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, Packaging, Transportation, Beauty, Medical
  • Distriales S.A. Cra 48 # 26 Sur 181  Bodega 117 Envigado Antioquia distriales @distriales.com https://www.cintandina.com/
    Serving: Colombia 工业: Packaging, Paper Converting, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding
  • Distribuciones Conrado Mayoral, SA Cam. del Puente Viejo, 9, 28500 Arganda del Rey, Madrid, Spain dcm@dcm-sa.com http://www.dcm-sa.com
    Serving: Spain Market: Wood and Composites 行业: Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • Distribuidora Si SRL

    Avenida 45  N° 8517, Posadas, Misiones

    +54 03764-82541 distribuidorasisrl@gmail.com
    Serving: Argentina 行业: Wood and Composites
  • Distribuidora Thomen, S.A. Av. Hispanoamericana, Callejón de Los Albinos, Canabacoa, Santiago. Santiago República Dominicana ventasla@hbfuller.com http://www.distribuidorathomen.com.do
    Serving: Dominican Republic 工业: Labeling, Packaging, Paper Converting, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Dolder AG Immengasse 9, CH-4001 Basel, Switzerland +41 61 326 6600 info@dolder.com https://www.dolder.com/
    Serving: Switzerland Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • DSM Company d.o.o. Blaža Mrakovića 60 Danilovgrad 81410 Montenegro d.popovic@dsmcompany.me http://www.dsmcompany.me
    Serving: Montenegro Market: Wood and Composites 行业: Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • DSTO Schröder Vertriebs KG Rehmenweg 32 A Nienburg 31582 Nienburg, Germany dieter@dsto-schroeder.de http://www.dsto-schroeder.de
    Serving: Germany Market: Wood and Composites 行业: Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • Dumello Comercio de Colas e Adesivos Rua Hileia Amazonica, 30 (CEP 03245000) vendas@dumello.com.br http://www.dumello.com.br/
    Serving: Brazil 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Labeling

    9911 E. 53RD ST. KANSAS CITY, MO 64133

    STACEYBUTLER@DYNAMICFASTENER.COM https://www.dynamicfastener.com/
    Serving: United States of America 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives
  • Eastern Win Enterprises 116 Neythal Road Singapore Singapore 628603 buildingmaterials@easternwin.com https://www.easternwin.com/
    Serving: Singapore 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives
  • ECT - Adhesive & Dispensing Solutions Unit 5 Willsborough Industrial Estate, Clonshaugh, Dublin, Ireland D17 X336 elynch@ect.ie https://www.ectadhesives.com
    Serving: Ireland 工业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: Apollo Roofing
  • Elastomeri Polimeri Kft Ipartelepi út 12 Dunabogdány 2023 Hungary liber.adam@elastomeri-polimeri.hu http://www.elastomeri-polimeri.hu
    Serving: Hungary 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Eldrup Lim Hovvej 12 Hare Gelsted 5591 Denmark eldrup@post4.tele.dk
    Serving: Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden 工业: Labeling, Packaging, Paper Converting, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding
  • Elgadi Chemicals SRL Via Brescia 38, 20015 Parabiago, Milano, Italy +39 0331 490 324 commerciale@elgadi.it https://www.elgadi.it/
    Serving: Italy Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • Emanuele Mascherpa SpA Via Natale Battaglia 39 20127,34070 Milano, Italy +39 02 280 031 postmaster@mascherpa.it https://mascherpa.it/
    Serving: Italy Technology: Polymers 工业: Packaging, Labeling, Paper Converting, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, Transportation, Wood and Composites locationsBrands: BAM, Pressen, Prodas, Earthic, Advantra, Swifttak, Swiftmelt
  • Empacar

    9 de Julio 377, San Miguel de Tucumán, 4000, Tucumán

    Serving: Argentina 工业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, Packaging, Labeling
  • Epoxa - Portland group Avda. Vitacura 2969 Piso 15 Las Condes, Santiago, 7550007, Chile aarancibia@pjportland.cl https://www.portland.cl
    Serving: Chile
  • Especialidades Industriales Roble

    Av. Sto Domingo No. 1503 Col. Valle De Sto Domingo San Nicolas De Los Garza Nuevo Leon 66648

    ventasla@hbfuller.com http://www.eirsa.com.mx
    Serving: Mexico 工业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, Labeling, Packaging, Paper Converting
  • Euromas Doo Sarajevska bb, Zenica Zenica 72000 Bosna i Hercegovina euromas@bih.net.ba http://www.euromas.ba
    Serving: Bosnia and Herzegovina Market: Wood and Composites 行业: Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • Europapier Slovenija d.o.o Leskoskova Cesta 14 Ljubljana 1000 Slovenia d.krizmanic@europapier-alpe.si http://www.europapier.si
    Serving: Slovenia 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Packaging, Paper Converting
  • Eurosnab TD Ladozhskaja, 1 Penza 440062 Russian Federation sergey@tk-eurosnab.com http://www.tk-eurosnab.com
    Serving: Kyrgyzstan, Russian Federation Market: Wood and Composites 行业: Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • Eurostar Produtos Graficos e Comunicação Visual Ltda Rua Coriolano , 1978 Lapa São Paulo São Paulo São Paulo 03053-000 venda@eurostargraficos.com.br http://www.eurostargraficos.com.br
    Serving: Brazil 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Packaging, Labeling
  • Eurotrade 21 Sereg Utca 1-5, 8000 Szekesfehervar +36 223 29841 ragasztas@eurotrade21.hu https://ragasztastechnika.com/
    Serving: Hungary 行业: Glass
  • Everchem Specialty Chemicals 1400 N Providence Rd #302, Media, PA 19063 Rob@everchem.com https://everchem.com/
    Serving: United States of America Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Friction Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • EVT Dichtstoffe GmbH Kornwestheimer Straße 230, 70825 Korntal-Münchingen +49 7150 974060 info@evt-dichtstoffe.com https://www.evt-dichtstoffe.com/
    Serving: Germany 行业: Glass
  • Exalted Horn Investments Limited Plot no 1055, Marsabit Road, off Kahawa sukari Avenue, Kahawa Sukari Estate, Kenya 254 722 209 668 https://www.exaltedhorn.com/
    Serving: Kenya 工业: Packaging, Paper Converting
  • Fabric SRL

    Italia 193, San Andrés, Provincia de Buenos Aires

    Ernesto@fabricsrl.com https://www.fabricsrl.com/
    Serving: Argentina 行业: Hygiene Solutions for the Disposable Hygiene Market
  • Fairbanks Hardware 66-72 Glenbarry Road Campbellfield Melbourne, Australia 3061 fairbanks@fbanks.net http://www.fairbankshardware.net.au/
    Serving: Australia 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives
  • Fan-Pak Polska Ul. Janikowska 31, 61-070 Poznan, Poland +48 61 8768 342 l.fankidejski@fanpak.pl https://fanpak.pl/
    Serving: Poland 工业: Packaging, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Wood and Composites locationsBrands: BAM, Pressen, Prodas


    Serving: United States of America 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives
  • Fenco Sp. z o.o. Rozwojowa 17, 41-103 Siemianowice Śląskie +48 32 67 41 420 biuro@fenco.pl https://fenco.pl/
    Serving: Poland 行业: Glass
  • Ferox Glas OY Tierantie 27, 28610 Pori +358 40 900 1024 info@feroxglas.fi https://www.feroxglas.fi/
    Serving: Finland 行业: Glass
  • Fh Technik Spol. S R.O. Amperova 482 Liberec 2 6203, Czech Republic chaloupka@fhtechnik.cz http://www.fhtechnik.cz
    Serving: Czechia, Slovakia 行业: Transportation
  • First City Trades & Agencies 4/12, 4th Floor, Liberty Plaza, 250, R.A. de Mel Mawatha, Colombo 3, Sri Lanka. info@fctsl.com https://fctsl.com/
    Serving: Sri Lanka 工业: Wood and Composites, Packaging
  • Fitelka Co. Ltd Kossis Sandor ut 34/b Budapest 1037 Hungary hermann@fitelka.hu http://www.fitelka.hu
    Serving: Hungary 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Packaging, Paper Converting
  • Formerra LLC 1250 Windham Parkway, Romeoville, IL Michael.Ellison@formerra.com https://www.formerra.com/
    Serving: United States of America Markets: Automotive, Aerospace, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • Full Pack S.A.

    Camino de las Carretas 8445, Rosario, 2000, Santa Fe

    ventas@fullpacksa.com.ar https://fullpacksa.com.ar/
    Serving: Argentina 工业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, Packaging, Labeling
  • Full Products Centramaerica, S.A. Ciudad Guatemala, Avenida Petapa 52-12, Zona 12. Ciudad Guatemala Guatemala 1012 ventasla@hbfuller.com
    Serving: Guatemala 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, Labeling, Packaging, Paper Converting
  • Full Products Centroamerica, S.A de C.V. San Pedro Sula, Km 5 Carretera Puerto Cortes, Entrada a Residencial Santa Mónica. San Pedro Sula Honduras 1103 ventasla@hbfuller.com http://www.fullproducts.hn
    Serving: Honduras 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, Labeling, Packaging, Paper Converting
  • Full Solutions S.A. de C.V. Colonia La Constancia, Calle Las Posadas No. 100 San Salvador El Salvador 100 ventasla@hbfuller.com
    Serving: El Salvador 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, Labeling, Packaging, Paper Converting
  • Full Trading S.A. Calle Primera # 309. Colinas al Sol. Via Daule Km.8 ½   Guayaquil Guayas  090602   pneumane@fulltrading.com.ec https://www.distriales.com/
    Serving: Ecuador 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Labeling, Packaging, Paper Converting
  • Furnex Trading Co. Ltd. Dubrovačka Ulica 4 Beograd 11000 Serbia furnex@ikomline.net http://www.furnextrading.com
    Serving: Serbia 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives
  • Galvin Hardware SA 14 Murray Street Therbarton Adelaide, South Australia 5031 hardware@galvinhw.com.au http://galvinhw.grace2.com.au/grace2/page.php?wl=1&p=Home
    Serving: Australia 行业: Wood and Composites
  • Galvin Hardware WA 39 Howe Street Osborne Park Perth, Australia 6017 hardware@galvinhw.com.au https://www.galvins.com.au/
    Serving: Australia 行业: Wood and Composites
  • GARANT Industrieservice GmbH Echelnteichweg 3 58640 Iserlohn, Germany t.jurack@garant-industrieservice.de http://www.garant-industrieservice.de
    Serving: Germany 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Gariglio Claudio s.r.l. Strada del Portone 131/a4; 10095 Grugliasco (TO) +39 (011) 785380 info@gariglioc.com https://www.gariglioc.com/
    Serving: Italy 行业: Glass
  • Giffin Graphics P.O.Box 3479 Sharjah Sharjah 3479 k.yahfoufi@giffingraphics.com https://www.giffingraphics.com
    Serving: United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain 行业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding
  • Giffin Graphics Industrial Area 5 Sharjah PO Box 3479 U.A.E. k.yahfoufi@giffingraphics.com http://www.giffingraphics.com
    Serving: United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain 行业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding
  • Global Packaging 17 Ryelane streey Maddington Perth, Australia 6109 sales@globalpackaging.com.au http://www.globalpackaging.com.au/
    Serving: Australia 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Goodpecker Trade Nekrasova Street, 114-63 Minsk 220068 Republic of Belarus sergei.rabtsevich@goodpecker.by http://www.goodpecker.by
    Serving: Belarus 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives
  • Gota Adesivos e Fitas Ltda Rua Joinville 678 Blumenau Brasil 89035-200 gota@gotadistribuidora.com.br https://gotadistribuidora.com.br/
    Serving: Brazil 行业: Packaging
  • Gota Adesivos e Fitas Ltda Rua Anne Frank 6140 Curitiba Brasil 81730-010 curitiba@gotadistribuidora.com.br https://gotadistribuidora.com.br/
    Serving: Brazil 行业: Packaging
  • Grafoconsult KFT GRAFOCONSULT KFT. - Fót, Fót, Fehérkő u. 8/A, 2151 +36-76 505 592 info@grafoconsult.hu https://grafoconsult.hu/
    Serving: Hungary 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Wood and Composites 品牌: BAM
  • Graphic Arts Supplies 77 King William Street Kent Town Adelaide, South Australia 5067 info@graphicarts.com.au http://graphicarts.com.au/contact
    Serving: Australia 行业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding
  • Griprite 10 Maxim Place St Marys Sydney, New South Wales 2760 sales@griprite.com.au http://griprite.com.au/
    Serving: Australia 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • GRP Solutions Portfield Road, Portsmouth, England PO3 5FJ leewilliamson@grp-solutions.com https://grp-solutions.com/
    Serving: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 工业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: Tuskbond
  • GYSO AG GYSO AG, Steinackerstrasse 34, CH-8302 Kloten +41 43 255 55 55 julius.andres@gyso.ch https://www.gyso.ch/
    Serving: Switzerland 行业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding locationsBrands: BAM, Pressen
  • Halliday Hardware Unit 6/49 Naweena Road Regency Park Adelaide, South Australia 5010 sales@halliday.com.au http://halliday.com.au/
    Serving: Australia 行业: Wood and Composites
  • Hallmark Fraulo Ltd Hillgrove Business Park, Nazeing Rd, Nazeing, Waltham Abbey, England EN9 2HB chris@hallmarkfraulo.co.uk https://www.hallmarkfraulo.co.uk/
    Serving: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 工业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: Tuskbond
  • Havel GmbH Kaltenleutgebnerstraße 24/11 1.D Wien 1230 Austria office@havel-maschinen.at http://havel-maschinen.at/
    Serving: Austria 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Havlimex Str. Horia Closca si Crisan 61-63 Pavilion 2 +40 740 008595 adrian.gradinescu@havlimex.ro http://www.havlimex.ro/
    Serving: Romania 工业: Packaging, Labeling, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding locationsBrands: BAM, Pressen, Prodas
  • HB Chemical Corporation 1665 Enterprise Pkwy Twinsburg, OH 44087 customerservice@hbchemical.com https://www.hbchemical.com
    Serving: United States of America Markets: Automotive, Aerospace, Marine 应用: Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Friction Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • H.B. Fuller - Inside Sales

    1200 Willow Lake Boulevard P.O. Box 64683 St. Paul, MN, United States 55164-0683

    inquiry@hbfuller.com https://www.hbfuller.com/
    Serving: United States of America, Canada Markets: Aerospace, Appliances, Automotive, Automotive Aftermarket, Building Envelope, Commercial Vehicles, Concrete, E-Commerce Packaging Solutions, Electric Vehicles, Electronics, Emergency and Specialty Vehicle, Flexible Packaging, Food and Beverage Labeling, Food Packaging Materials, Food Safe Packaging, Footwear, Glass, Heavy Machinery and Agricultural, Insulation and HVAC Construction, Marine, MRO, Metal Building, Rail, Recreational Vehicles (RV), Restoration and Remediation, Sporting Goods and Leisure, Tapes, Labels, and Graphics, Truck and Trailer, Wind Energy, High-Performance Roofing Adhesives and Solutions, Wood and Composites 工业: Beauty, Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Medical, Hygiene Solutions for the Disposable Hygiene Market, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, New Energy, Packaging, Paper Converting, Technical Textiles, Telecommunications and Connectivity Solutions, Transportation, Wood and Composites locationsBrands: Advantra, Apollo Roofing, Bacon Adhesives, CILBOND, Clarity, Clean Melt, Earthic, EternaBond Tapes, Fast 2K, Flexel, Flextra, Foster, Full-Care, GorillaPro, GSSI Sealants, Kommerling, ProSpec, PVC TrimWelder Construction Adhesives, Rakoll, Sesame, Swift, Tissue Seal, TONSAN, Tuskbond, Weld Mount, BAM, Pressen, Prodas, XCHEM
  • H.B. Fuller - Inside Sales

    Av. Bailarina Selma Parada, 201 - Ed. 04, sl 411 - 1º andar Jardim Madalena, Campinas - SP, 13091-605, Brazil

    thais.urbano@hbfuller.com https://www.hbfuller.com/
    Serving: Brazil Markets: Aerospace, Appliances, Automotive, Automotive Aftermarket, Building Envelope, Commercial Vehicles, Concrete, E-Commerce Packaging Solutions, Electric Vehicles, Electronics, Emergency and Specialty Vehicle, Flexible Packaging, Food Packaging Materials, Food Safe Packaging, Food and Beverage Labeling, Footwear, Glass, Heavy Machinery and Agricultural, High-Performance Roofing Adhesives and Solutions, Insulation and HVAC Construction, MRO, Marine, Metal Building, Rail, Recreational Vehicles (RV), Restoration and Remediation, Sporting Goods and Leisure, Tapes, Labels, and Graphics, Truck and Trailer, Wind Energy, Wood and Composites 工业: Beauty, Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Medical, Hygiene Solutions for the Disposable Hygiene Market, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, New Energy, Packaging, Paper Converting, Technical Textiles, Telecommunications and Connectivity Solutions, Transportation, Wood and Composites locationsBrands: Advantra, Apollo Roofing, Bacon Adhesives, BAM, CILBOND, Clarity, Clean Melt, Earthic, EternaBond Tapes, Fast 2K, Flexel, Flextra, Foster, Full-Care, GorillaPro, GSSI Sealants, Kommerling, Pressen, Prodas, ProSpec, PVC TrimWelder Construction Adhesives, Rakoll, Sesame, Swift, TONSAN, Tissue Seal, Tuskbond, Weld Mount, XCHEM
  • H.B. Fuller - Inside Sales

    Estrada Nacional 13/km16 Mindelo, Portugal

    sandra.reznicek@hbfuller.com https://www.hbfuller.com/
    Serving: Austria, Åland Islands, Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands (Kingdom of the), Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Russian Federation, Switzerland, Norway, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Bouvet Island, Curaçao, Cyprus, Falkland Islands [Malvinas], Faroe Islands, French Guiana, Georgia, Gibraltar, Greenland, Guadeloupe, Guernsey, Holy See, Iceland, Jersey, Liechtenstein, Martinique, Moldova (Republic of), Monaco, Montenegro, Nauru, North Macedonia, Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn, Réunion, San Marino, Serbia, Svalbard, Ukraine Markets: Aerospace, Appliances, Automotive, Automotive Aftermarket, Building Envelope, Commercial Vehicles, Concrete, E-Commerce Packaging Solutions, Electric Vehicles, Electronics, Emergency and Specialty Vehicle, Flexible Packaging, Food Packaging Materials, Food Safe Packaging, Food and Beverage Labeling, Footwear, Glass, Heavy Machinery and Agricultural, High-Performance Roofing Adhesives and Solutions, Insulation and HVAC Construction, MRO, Marine, Metal Building, Rail, Recreational Vehicles (RV), Restoration and Remediation, Sporting Goods and Leisure, Tapes, Labels, and Graphics, Truck and Trailer, Wind Energy, Wood and Composites 工业: Beauty, Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Medical, Hygiene Solutions for the Disposable Hygiene Market, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, New Energy, Packaging, Paper Converting, Technical Textiles, Telecommunications and Connectivity Solutions, Transportation, Wood and Composites locationsBrands: Advantra, Apollo Roofing, BAM, Bacon Adhesives, CILBOND, Clarity, Clean Melt, Earthic, EternaBond Tapes, Fast 2K, Flexel, Flextra, Foster, Full-Care, GorillaPro, GSSI Sealants, Kommerling, Pressen, Prodas, ProSpec, PVC TrimWelder Construction Adhesives, Rakoll, Sesame, Swift, TONSAN, Tissue Seal, Tuskbond, Weld Mount, XCHEM
  • H.B. Fuller - Inside Sales

    Unit No. 901-905 Amar Business Park Sananand Estates Plot No.1, S No 104-105 Baner Road Pune, India

    priyanka.padhye@hbfuller.com https://www.hbfuller.com/
    Serving: India, Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Benin, Botswana, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Congo (Democratic Republic of the), Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Liberia, Namibia, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo, Turkmenistan, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Zambia, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Caribbean Netherlands, Cayman Islands, Comoros, Cuba, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Eswatini, French Polynesia, Gabon, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Jamaica, Lesotho, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Montserrat, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Palestine (State of), Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin (French part), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sint Maarten (Dutch part), Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania (United Republic of), Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Western Sahara, Zimbabwe Markets: Aerospace, Appliances, Automotive, Automotive Aftermarket, Building Envelope, Commercial Vehicles, Concrete, E-Commerce Packaging Solutions, Electric Vehicles, Electronics, Emergency and Specialty Vehicle, Flexible Packaging, Food Packaging Materials, Food Safe Packaging, Food and Beverage Labeling, Footwear, Glass, Heavy Machinery and Agricultural, High-Performance Roofing Adhesives and Solutions, Insulation and HVAC Construction, MRO, Marine, Metal Building, Rail, Recreational Vehicles (RV), Restoration and Remediation, Sporting Goods and Leisure, Tapes, Labels, and Graphics, Truck and Trailer, Wind Energy, Wood and Composites 工业: Beauty, Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Medical, Hygiene Solutions for the Disposable Hygiene Market, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, New Energy, Packaging, Paper Converting, Technical Textiles, Telecommunications and Connectivity Solutions, Transportation, Wood and Composites locationsBrands: Advantra, Apollo Roofing, BAM, Bacon Adhesives, CILBOND, Clean Melt, Clarity, EternaBond Tapes, Earthic, Fast 2K, Flexel, Flextra, Foster, Full-Care, GSSI Sealants, GorillaPro, Kommerling, Pressen, ProSpec, Prodas, Rakoll, Sesame, Swift, TONSAN, Tissue Seal, Tuskbond, Weld Mount, XCHEM, PVC TrimWelder Construction Adhesives
  • H.B. Fuller - Inside Sales

    Aut. México-Qro. # 3130 piso 7-700B Col. Valle Dorado, CP. 54020cTlalnepantla de Baz, De México, México

    raquel.hernandez@hbfuller.com https://www.hbfuller.com/
    Serving: Argentina, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Grenada, Puerto Rico, Uruguay Markets: Aerospace, Appliances, Automotive, Automotive Aftermarket, Building Envelope, Commercial Vehicles, Concrete, E-Commerce Packaging Solutions, Electric Vehicles, Electronics, Emergency and Specialty Vehicle, Flexible Packaging, Food Packaging Materials, Food Safe Packaging, Food and Beverage Labeling, Glass, Heavy Machinery and Agricultural, High-Performance Roofing Adhesives and Solutions, Insulation and HVAC Construction, MRO, Marine, Metal Building, Rail, Recreational Vehicles (RV), Restoration and Remediation, Sporting Goods and Leisure, Tapes, Labels, and Graphics, Truck and Trailer, Wind Energy, Wood and Composites, Footwear 工业: Beauty, Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Medical, Hygiene Solutions for the Disposable Hygiene Market, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, New Energy, Packaging, Paper Converting, Technical Textiles, Telecommunications and Connectivity Solutions, Transportation, Wood and Composites locationsBrands: Advantra, Apollo Roofing, BAM, Bacon Adhesives, CILBOND, Clarity, Clean Melt, EternaBond Tapes, Fast 2K, Earthic, Flexel, Flextra, Foster, Full-Care, GSSI Sealants, GorillaPro, Kommerling, PVC TrimWelder Construction Adhesives, Pressen, ProSpec, Prodas, Rakoll, Sesame, Swift, TONSAN, Tissue Seal, Tuskbond, Weld Mount, XCHEM
  • H.B. Fuller - Inside Sales

    Room 1002, Building C, No. 3, Lane 227 Dongyu Road Pudong, Shanghai, 200126 China

    inquiry@hbfuller.com https://www.hbfuller.com/
    Serving: Australia, American Samoa, Azerbaijan, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Guam, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan (Province of China), Thailand, Tonga, Vietnam, Bhutan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, British Indian Ocean Territory, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Cook Islands, Fiji, French Southern Territories, Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Korea (Democratic People's Republic of), Korea (Republic of), Macao, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Micronesia (Federated States of), Nepal, New Caledonia, Niue, Norfolk Island, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tajikistan, Timor-Leste, Türkiye, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Yemen Markets: Aerospace, Appliances, Automotive, Automotive Aftermarket, Building Envelope, Commercial Vehicles, Concrete, E-Commerce Packaging Solutions, Electric Vehicles, Electronics, Emergency and Specialty Vehicle, Flexible Packaging, Food Packaging Materials, Food Safe Packaging, Food and Beverage Labeling, Glass, Heavy Machinery and Agricultural, High-Performance Roofing Adhesives and Solutions, Insulation and HVAC Construction, MRO, Marine, Metal Building, Rail, Recreational Vehicles (RV), Restoration and Remediation, Sporting Goods and Leisure, Tapes, Labels, and Graphics, Truck and Trailer, Wind Energy, Wood and Composites, Footwear 工业: Beauty, Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Medical, Hygiene Solutions for the Disposable Hygiene Market, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, New Energy, Packaging, Paper Converting, Technical Textiles, Telecommunications and Connectivity Solutions, Transportation, Wood and Composites locationsBrands: Advantra, Apollo Roofing, BAM, Bacon Adhesives, CILBOND, Clean Melt, Earthic, EternaBond Tapes, Fast 2K, Flexel, Flextra, Foster, Full-Care, GSSI Sealants, GorillaPro, Kommerling, Pressen, ProSpec, Prodas, Rakoll, Sesame, TONSAN, Tuskbond, Weld Mount, XCHEM, Clarity, Swift, Tissue Seal
  • Helios, Domzale Molkova pot 16, 1241 Kamnik, Slovenija (SI) +386 1 830 37 70 Saso.Kosmac@kansai-helios.si https://www.kansai-helios.si/
    Serving: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, North Macedonia locationsBrands: BAM, Pressen, Prodas
  • Hissa Pyalovskaya Street, 5A Moscow 101000 Russian Federation info@hissa.ru
    Serving: Russian Federation 行业: Packaging
  • Højstrup Industrilim Emil Neckelmanns vej 11 5220 Odense SØ, Denmark info@hojstrup.dk https://www.hojstrup.dk/
    Serving: Denmark, Norway, Sweden 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • HMC Corporation Plot No : 382, H No : 12 – 382 , Rajsukh Nagar Colony, Pudami School Road, Nagaram, Hyderabad - 500083 Telangana

    +91 99490 42905 narinasrinivas@hmccorporation.in http://hmccorporation.in/
    Serving: India 行业: Packaging

    6535 GUHN ROAD HOUSTON, TX 77040

    kevin.johnson@bhamfast.com https://bhamfast.com/
    Serving: United States of America 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives
  • HSH Chemie Austria GmbH Trabauerstrasse 5, 3701 Grossweikersdorf, Austria +43 2955 71500 christian.englisch@hsh-chemie.com https://www.hsh-chemie.com/
    Serving: Austria Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Friction Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND

    100 Skylab Dr NW, Huntsville, AL 35806

    kevin.johnson@bhamfast.com https://bhamfast.com/
    Serving: United States of America 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives
  • IBS Tapes 30 Glenburn Road, College Milton North, East Kilbride, Glasgow, Scotland G74 5BA ruth@tapes.co.uk https://www.tapes.uk/
    Serving: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 工业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: Tuskbond
  • IMCD Australia Pty Ltd Level 1, 352 Wellington Road, PO Box 689, Mulgrave VIC 3170, Australia +61 (0) 468 574 192 shane.weeks@imcd.com.au https://www.imcdgroup.com/worldwide/australia
    Serving: Australia Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • IMCD France SAS Immeuble le Stadium, CS70005 , 266, Avenue du président Wilson, 93457 La Plaine Saint Denis Cedex France +33 1 49 33 31 31 guillaume.ribet@imcd.fr https://www.imcd.fr/
    Serving: France Markets: Automotive, Aerospace, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • INDASOL Industrial Adhesive Solutions Limited 10 Crystal Drive, Sandwell Business Park, Smethwick, England B66 1QG martin@indasol.co.uk https://www.indasol.co.uk/
    Serving: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 工业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: Tuskbond
  • Induquimica - Unipessoal, LDA Rua de Santa Apolonia - 274-A Fraccao Serzedo 4410-022 Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal mail@induquimica.pt http://www.induquimica.pt
    Serving: Portugal 行业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding
  • Industrial Supply Primora

    Calle 7 Norte 1145 - Colonia Ciudad Industrial Tijuana BC 22444

    ventasla@hbfuller.com http://primora.com.mx/
    Serving: Mexico 工业: Packaging, Paper Converting
  • Ingeniería en Sistemas de Adhesivos SA DE CV - ISASA

    Naucalpan de Juarez Estado de Mexico

    ventasla@hbfuller.com http://www.adhesivosisasa.com.mx
    Serving: Mexico 工业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, Transportation
  • Integrated Chemicals Specialties BV Pondweg 11H, 2153PK Nieuw Vennep, The Netherlands +31 252 419020 gh@icspecialties.com https://www.icspecialties.com/de
    Serving: Germany Markets: Automotive, Aerospace, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • Integrated Chemicals Specialties BV Pondweg 11H, 2153PK Nieuw Vennep, The Netherlands +31 252 419020 ld@icspecialties.com https://www.icspecialties.com/nl
    Serving: Belgium Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • Intercol Marconistraat 7 6716 Ak Ede, 6716 Ede, Badessen Netherlands +31(0)615 55 4578 laura.faber@intercol.com https://adhesives.intercol.eu/
    Serving: Belgium, Luxembourg Technology: Polymers 工业: Packaging, Labeling, Paper Converting, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Wood and Composites locationsBrands: BAM, Earthic, Pressen, Prodas
  • Interglue Ltd., Sofia 38 Praga Blvd. +359 (0) 885 969 525 popov@interglue.eu http://www.interglue.eu
    Serving: Bulgaria 工业: Packaging, Labeling, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding locationsBrands: BAM, Pressen, Prodas
  • Interior Industrialna No. 2 Sofia 1222 Bulgaria interior@ltechno-link.com http://www.interior.com
    Serving: Bulgaria Market: Wood and Composites 行业: Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • Invicta Tools and Fixings Unit 9 Cotton Road, Wincheap Industrial Estate, Canterbury, England CT1 3TB steve@invictatools.co.uk https://invictatools.co.uk/
    Serving: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 工业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: Tuskbond
  • Invipint S.A.C.I. Aliguatá c/ Tte. Ettiene Fernando de la Mora Central 2309 info@invipintsaci.com.py
    Serving: Paraguay 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Labeling, Packaging, Paper Converting

    2302 SE Creekview Dr, Suite 5, Ankeny, IA 50021

    kevin.johnson@bhamfast.com https://bhamfast.com/
    Serving: United States of America 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives
  • ITT Bulgaria EOOD Hrishtensko Shosse 30 Stara Zagora BG-6000 Bulgaria sales@itt.bg https://itt.bg
    Serving: Bulgaria 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • JC Gilmore 206 Lorimer Street Port Melbourne Melbourne, Australia 3207 sales@gilmores.com.au http://www.gilmores.com.au/our-products/
    Serving: Australia 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Jenzi Holdings Limited Eastern Bypass Kamakis, Nairobi, Kenya jenziholdings@gmail.com https://www.jenzi.co.ke/
    Serving: Kenya Market: Wood and Composites 行业: Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • JM2 Arapongas – PR, Brazil carlos@jm2acessorios.com.br
    Serving: Brazil 行业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding
  • JMP-Glas s.r.o. Novosedlicka cp.309; 41703 Dubi- Pozorka CZ +420 417 531347 info@jmp-glas.cz http://www.jmp-glas.cz/
    Serving: Czechia 行业: Glass
  • Johns Adhesives VIC 15/23 Susan Street Eltham Melbourne, Australia 3095 craig.johns@johnsadhesive.com.au http://www.johnsadhesive.com.au/
    Serving: Australia, New Zealand 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • JPA Avenida Major Alvim 155 Atibaia Brasil 12942-550 jovialmeida@hotmail.com
    Serving: Brazil 行业: Packaging
  • JS Inseneribüroo OU Katusepapi 4 Tallinn EE11412 Estonia jaanus@jsengineering.ee http://www.jsengineering.ee
    Serving: Estonia 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Labeling, Packaging, Paper Converting
  • Julius Hoesch GmbH Postfach 100855 Düren 52308, Germany k.lachnit@julius-hoesch.de http://www.julius-hoesch.de
    Serving: Germany 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Labeling, Packaging, Paper Converting
  • KAINDL Technischer Industriebedarf GmbH Paschinger Straße 62 Leonding 4060 Austria buero@kaindltech.at https://www.kaindltech.at/
    Serving: Austria 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • KBR INGENIEROS S.A. Psje. Materiales No. 620, Lima 1, Peru +51 1 562 1450 rmacher@kbrperu.com https://www.kbrperu.com/
    Serving: Peru Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Friction Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • Kemlec - Tasmania 23 Veronica Cresent Launceston Tasmania, Australia 7250 email@timbatech.com http://www.timbatechsolutions.com/timbatech-products.html
    Serving: Australia 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • KLP D.O.O. Pod jelkami 2 1218 Komenda Slovenia info@klp.si http://www.klp.si
    Serving: Slovenia Market: Wood and Composites 行业: Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • KODE Sp.j. Bukowiecka 92 lok. 123 Warsaw 03-893 Mazowieckie, Poland kode@kode.pl http://www.kode.pl
    Serving: Poland Market: Wood and Composites 行业: Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • KO-Glas d.o.o. Kolodvorska 37C, 2310 Slovenska Bristrica +386 280 50170 info@koglas.si https://www.koglas.si/
    Serving: Slovenia 行业: Glass
  • Kontakt Plus Sheremetievskaya Street, 85, bld. 3 Moscow 129075 Russian Federation office@klei-kontakt.ru http://www.klei-kontakt.ru
    Serving: Russian Federation Market: Wood and Composites 工业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • KSL Trading AB Varlingsdalsgatan 6 Vaggeryd SE-567 33 Sweden staffan.dahlqvist@ksltrading.se http://www.ksltrading.se
    Serving: Sweden Market: Wood and Composites 行业: Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • Kumagra AG Güterstrasse 22 - Postfach 315 Bern 3008 Switzerland info@kumagra.ch http://www.kumagra.ch
    Serving: Switzerland, Liechtenstein 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Labeling, Packaging, Paper Converting


    sales@lavanture.com https://www.lavanture.com/
    Serving: United States of America 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives
  • Lepercq 21 - Rue lavoisier Chassieu 69680 France f.niogret@lepercq.fr
    Serving: France 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Libra Vitalis J.Jasinskio str.16A Vilnius LT01112 Lithuania sales@libra.lt http://www.libra.lt
    Serving: Lithuania, Estonia 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Packaging, Paper Converting, Labeling
  • Life Express Co Limited Av. Ngendandumwe, 34, Rohero, Bujumbura Mairie, Burundi info@lifexpress.bi https://lifexpress.bi/
    Serving: Burundi, Congo 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Packaging, Labeling, Hygiene Solutions for the Disposable Hygiene Market, Paper Converting
  • Luis Dominguez e Hijo, SL C/Hosteleria 10 Cordoba 14900 Spain valentin@abrasivos.net http://www.abrasivos.net
    Serving: Spain Market: Wood and Composites 行业: Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • Lux-X

    61124 Kharkiv, Vishnevaya str. 31

    +38 057 766 0636 office@lux-x.com https://lux-x.com/ua/
    Serving: Ukraine 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Wood and Composites locationsBrands: BAM, Pressen, Prodas
  • M Sora Prishtina Parku i Biznesit Drenas Zona Industriale p.n. Drenas 13000 Kosovo info@m-sora.eu http://www.m-sora.al
    Serving: Kosovo Market: Wood and Composites 行业: Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • M Sora Tirana Rruga Nacionale Vore - Fushe Kruje, km 3 Preze 1039 Albania tirana@m-sora.eu http://www.m-sora.al
    Serving: Albania Market: Wood and Composites 行业: Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • Madmaq Comercio e Representações Ltda Rua Francisco José Neumann, 178, Dona Francisca São Bento do Sul Santa Catarina 89284-520 cesar@madmaq.com.br http://www.madmaq.com.br
    Serving: Brazil 行业: Wood and Composites
  • Magnisalis E & Co 3rd km Symmachiki road Oreokastrou-Diavaton +30 2310 699935 info@magnisalis.gr https://www.magnisalis.com/
    Serving: Greece 行业: Glass
  • Mahalaxmi Paper Agency No. 117, 4th Cross, Dr. Shivram Karanth Road Bangalore Karnataka 560019 mahalaxmipaper@hotmail.com
    Serving: India 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Paper Converting
  • Maiburg Lijmen B.V. Schutweg 6, Waalwijk 5145 NP verkooplijmen@maiburg.nl https://www.maiburg.nl/maiburg/nl/EUR/verpakkingslijmen
    Serving: Netherlands (Kingdom of the), Belgium Market: Wood and Composites 工业: Packaging, Paper Converting, Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • Marcelo Silva Manaus-AM, Brazil marcelo.representante.adecol@gmail.com
    Serving: Brazil 应用: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding 工业: Packaging, Labeling
  • Matrix Ingredientes Comércio e Representação Ltda Avenida Gupê , 10767 - Galpão 18 e 19 Barueri 06422 120 marcelo.scheffer@matrixltda.com http://www.matrixltda.com
    Serving: Brazil 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Labeling, Packaging, Paper Converting
  • Mauro Pires Distribuidora Rua Izabel Bueno 817 Belo Horizonte Brasil 31270-030 rodrigo@mauropires.com.br http://mauropires.com.br/
    Serving: Brazil 行业: Packaging
  • Mavom BV

    Gouwelandenlaan 16, 2408 ZG Alphen a/d Rijn, The Netherlands

    +31 (0)172 27 6000 sales@mavom.nl https://www.mavom.nl/
    Serving: Netherlands (Kingdom of the), Luxembourg 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Mavom NV

    Satenrozen 1A, 2550 Kontich, Belgium

    +32 (0) 3 880 07 60 sales@mavom.be https://www.mavom.be/
    Serving: Belgium 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Maxilam NZ 35-39 Tiro Tiro Road Levin Auckland, New Zealand 5510 sales@maxilam.co.nz http://maxilam.co.nz/
    Serving: Australia 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Maxio LTD Unit B6 Claire Road, Kirby Cross, Frinton-On-Sea, Essex, England CO13 0LY gordon@maxio.co.uk https://maxio.co.uk/
    Serving: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 工业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: Tuskbond
  • Melkib Klus Raczek Sp. K.

    ul. Stawowa 91, 43-400 Cieszyn, Poland

    +48 33 851 46 01 maciej@melkib.com https://melkib.com/
    Serving: Poland 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Merint L.L.C PO. BOX: 29339, Next to NMC Hospital, Near Palletco Company, DIP 1, UAE. +97148833131 info@merint.com https://www.merint.com/
    Serving: United Arab Emirates 行业: Glass
  • Metalurgica San Isidro (Comercial MSI) San Isidro 1595 Santiago Centro, Santiago Región Metropolitana 8320000 scastillo@msichile.cl www.mslimitada.com
    Serving: Chile 工业: Labeling, Packaging
  • Miarco SL Charles Robert Darwin - 18. Parque Tecnológico. Paterna, Valencia 46980 Valencia, Spain d.blanco@miarco.com http://www.miarco.com
    Serving: Spain 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Labeling, Packaging, Paper Converting
  • Midland Fixing Supplies Unit 21 Bordesley Trading Estate, Bordesley Green Road, Birmingham, England B8 1BZ donna@midlandfixings.co.uk
    Serving: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 工业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: Tuskbond
  • Mipa Hungária Kft Zsurló u. 2, Alba Ipari Zóna Székesfehérvár 8000 Hungary nagy.sandor@mipahungaria.hu http://www.henelit.hu/
    Serving: Hungary Market: Wood and Composites 行业: Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • Morscher Farben- & Werkzeug-handelsges.mbH Treiet 43 Weiler 6837 Austria vertrieb@farbenmorscher.at https://www.farbenmorscher.at
    Serving: Austria 行业: Packaging
  • MSI Adhesivos y Tecnología Calle Circunvalación Oriente # 163, Col. Ciudad Granja, Zapopan, Jalisco, 45010 ventasla@hbfuller.com https://msiadhasivos.com/
    Serving: Mexico 工业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, Packaging, Paper Converting, Labeling
  • MSI Adhesivos y Refacciones

    Riada 3233 Col. Santa Edwiges Guadalajara Jalisco 44580

    ventasla@hbfuller.com https://msiadhasivos.com/
    Serving: Mexico 工业: Labeling, Packaging, Paper Converting, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Multifarb LLC Pr.Gagarina 115, Korp.2 Dnipro 49050 Ukraine multifarb.ukraine.gmail.com http://www.multifarb.com.ua
    工业: Packaging, Paper Converting, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding
  • Muskat GmbH Poppenbütteler Boden 34, 22399 Hamburg +49 40 6068880 info@muskat.com https://www.muskat.com/
    Serving: Germany 行业: Glass
  • NAA Lr Ballymount Road - Crosslands Business Park Dublin Dublin 12 Ireland, Ireland info@naa.ie http://www.naa.ie
    Serving: Ireland Market: Wood and Composites 工业: Labeling, Packaging, Paper Converting, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • Narsingh Dass & Co. Pvt. Ltd. 3/16, Balram House Darya Ganj New Delhi 110002 logistics@narsinghdass.com
    Serving: India 工业: Paper Converting, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding
  • Navin Trading Company Street Number 8, Himayatnagar , 3-6-573/1, Ground Floor, Gouda Hostel , 500029 Hyderabad Telangana  +91 9849065401 nimeshbheda72@yahoo.com
    Serving: India 行业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding

    1316 College Avenue, Suite 3, Elmira, NY 14901

    kevin.johnson@bhamfast.com https://bhamfast.com/
    Serving: United States of America 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives
  • Nikiforova-MN EOOD ul.Balchik 1; 1612 Sofia BG +359 88 8897207 office@nikiforova-mn.com https://nikiforova-mn.com/
    Serving: Bulgaria 行业: Glass
  • Nordmann Rassmann GmbH Kajen 2, 20459 Hamburg, Germany +49 40 3687 520 Gunther.Seifert@nordmann.global https://www.nordmann.global/en
    Serving: Germany Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • Noxorsokem Group Spa Via Udine 46 Cusano di Zoppola PN Italia 33080 info@noxorsokem.it http://www.sokem.it
  • OFS Technologie UL. Działkowa 20A, PL 55-300 Środa Śląska, Poland +48 502 37 12 77 a.mazur@ofs-technologie.pl https://www.ofs-technologie.pl/pl/
    Serving: Poland Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • Oktotrade Krasnogorskiy District, Iljinskoe shosse, 4 Km Moscow 143405 Russian Federation gerard.zukunft@oktoprint.ru https://www.oktoprint.ru/
    Serving: Russian Federation 行业: Paper Converting
  • Ontek Solucoes Em Maquinas Moveleiras Ltda Rua Vanda, 107 Barueri Brasil 06436-380 contato@ontek.com.br https://www.ontek.com.br/
    Serving: Brazil 工业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, Packaging, Paper Converting, Transportation
  • Ormaton Delovaya Street, 1 Nizhny Novgorod 603093 Russian Federation podkolzin.i@ormaton.ru http://www.ormaton.ru
    Serving: Russian Federation 工业: Transportation, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Ottozeus Onlineshop Harthauser Str. 2 Zorneding, 85604 Bayern Germany info@ottozeus.de https://www.ottozeus.com/
    Serving: Austria, Germany, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands (Kingdom of the), Denmark, Poland, Slovenia, Czechia, Hungary, Romania 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing

    12748 Florence Ave, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670

    kevin.johnson@bhamfast.com https://bhamfast.com/
    Serving: United States of America 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives
  • Paniker S.L. Ctra. de Santa Cruz De Calafell, 68, 08830 Sant Boi De Llobregat, Barcelona Spain +34 936 402 116 paniker@paniker.com https://www.paniker.com/
    Serving: Spain, Morocco, Portugal, Algeria 行业: Packaging locationsBrands: BAM, Pressen
  • Parker Corporation 22-1.2 Chome, Nihonbashi-Ningbocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8588, Japan +81-03-5644-0630 owaki@parkercorp.co.jp https://www.parkercorp.co.jp/
    Serving: Japan Markets: Automotive, Aerospace, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • PCM Hitech Systems B-174, Block-10, Gulshan-E-Iqbal, Karachi 75300, Pakistan +92 21 497 1419 CEO@pcmhitech.com https://www.pcmhitech.com/
    Serving: Pakistan Markets: Automotive, Aerospace, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • Per Mordt Oestensjoeveien 18, 611 Oslo +47 220 71770 post@permordt.no https://www.permordt.no/
    Serving: Sweden, Norway 行业: Glass
  • Pharaonic for trade and distribution 16 Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Kamal St., Nasr City, Cairo 11371, Egypt +20 2 2271 7097 ashraf.elphraony@pharaonictrade.com https://www.pharaonictrade.com/
    Serving: Egypt Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Friction Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND

    5670 S. 40th Street, Suite 5, Phoenix, AZ 85040

    kevin.johnson@bhamfast.com https://bhamfast.com/
    Serving: United States of America 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives
  • Phoenix Limitada Av. Matta 717 Santiago Centro, Santiago Región Metropolitana 8320000 acordova@phoenixltda.cl https://msichile.cl/
    Serving: Chile 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Labeling, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, Packaging, Paper Converting
  • Pira Fitas Piracicaba – SP, Brazil Homero@sjudas.com.br https://sjudas.com.br/
    Serving: Brazil 行业: Packaging
  • Poligraph Club Skhodnenskiy Tupik, 20 Moscow 125424 Russian Federation klimova@poligraph-club.ru www.poligraph-club.ru
    Serving: Russian Federation 行业: Paper Converting
  • Polysystems L.T.D. 70, Chlois St. 14452 , Metamorfosi Athens, Greece
    alexanch@polysystems.gr http://www.polysystems.gr/
    Serving: Greece 工业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Transportation, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • PRHO-CHEM GmbH Dohlenstraße 8 D-83101 Rohrdorf-Thansau, Germany info@prho-chem.de http://www.prho-chem.de
    Serving: Austria, Germany 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Print Sales Company 54, E/1, Matheswartala Road, Kolkata 700046 rajendra@printsales.in
    Serving: India 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Paper Converting
  • Pro-Glue A/S Naurbjergvej 1, 4623 Lille Skensved, Denmark mrw@proglue.dk https://lim.dk/en/
    Serving: Denmark, Norway, Sweden Market: Wood and Composites 工业: Packaging, Labeling, Paper Converting, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • PRO-GLUE A/S Naurbjergvej 1, 4623 Lille Skensved Denmark mrw@proglue.dk https://lim.dk/en/
    Serving: Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden Technology: Polymers 工业: Packaging, Labeling, Paper Converting, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Wood and Composites locationsBrands: Advantra, Swiftmelt, Swifttak, BAM, Pressen, Prodas, Earthic
  • Pro-Pac Packaging NSW 147-151 Newton Road Wetherill Park Sydney, New South Wales 2164 sales.nsw@pro-pac.com.au http://www.pro-pacpackaging.com.au/
    Serving: Australia 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Pro-Pac Packaging QLD 84 Christensen Road South Stapylton Brisbane, Queensland 4207 sales.qld@pro-pac.com.au http://www.pro-pacpackaging.com.au/
    Serving: Australia 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Pro-Pac Packaging SA Lot 3A, Newcastle Cresent Cavan Adelaide, South Australia 5094 sales.sa@pro-pac.com.au http://www.pro-pacpackaging.com.au/
    Serving: Australia 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Pro-Pac Packaging VIC Site 9, Dandenong Estate, 5-11 Progress Street Dandenong South Melbourne, Australia 3175 sales.vic@pro-pac.com.au http://www.pro-pacpackaging.com.au/
    Serving: Australia 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • PT. Behn Meyer Chemicals Taman Tekno BSD, Blok B No. 1, Sektor XI, Tangerang 15314, Indonesia +62 (21) 756 5000 gustav.galenius@behnmeyer.co.id https://www.behnmeyer.com/
    Serving: Indonesia Markets: Automotive, Aerospace, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • Pt Bondall Kumala Jaya Duta Indah Iconic Blok F-17, Jalan M.H. Thamrin KM 2 Kebon Nanas Tangerang Indonesia 11610 bondall@bondall.com http://www.bondall.com/contact/
    Serving: Indonesia 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives
  • QCubo Rua de Santa Luzia, n.º 74 Carvalhosa, Paços de Ferreira 4590-057 Portugal jqsousa@qcubo.com http://www.qcubo.com/
    Serving: Portugal Market: Wood and Composites 行业: Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • Quadra Chemicals Ltd. 3901 F.X. Tessier, Vaudreuil-Dorion, Québec, J7V 5V5 steven.edward@quadragroup.com https://www.quadragroup.com
    Serving: Canada Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • Quelaris Costa Rica, S.A. 25 Mts Noroeste de Laboratorios Stein, Carretera Interamericana, La Lima, Cartago Cartago Costa Rica ventasla@hbfuller.com http://www.quelaris.com
    Serving: Costa Rica 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Labeling, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, Packaging, Paper Converting
  • Quelaris Panamá, S.A. Calle Aquilino de la Guardia, Urb Marbella, Torre Bco General, Piso 26, Panama City. Ciudad Panamá Panamá ventasla@hbfuller.com http://www.quelaris.com
    Serving: Panama 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, Labeling, Packaging, Paper Converting
  • Quimi Gam

    Calle Prolongacion Paseo de la Reforma 51. Int 8 Paseo de Las Lomas Alvaro Obregon Ciudad de Mexico 1330

    ventasla@hbfuller.com http://www.quimigam.com
    Serving: Mexico 行业: Packaging
  • Quimiserve - Quimicos e Servicos Lda Rua Prof Egas Moniz - 57 Olival do Santissimo, 1686-901 Caneças, Portugal mario.proenca@quimiserve.pt http://www.quimiserve.pt
    Serving: Portugal 工业: Packaging, Labeling
  • Ramport Oy Vesimyllynkatu 1 Tampere 33310 Finland info@ramport.fi http://www.ramport.fi
    Serving: Finland Market: Wood and Composites 行业: Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • Reda Chemicals PO Box 22013, Safat, Awkaf Complex, Tower 17, Office 16, 6th Floor Kuwait 13081 management@redachem.com http://redachem.com
    Serving: Kuwait 行业: Packaging
  • Reda Chemicals GOSI Building, 5th Floor - Olaya Street, P.O. Box 58866 Olaya Riyadh 11515 management@redachem.com http://redachem.com
    Serving: Saudi Arabia 行业: Packaging
  • Reda Chemicals Suite 901, Al Manal Tower, Sheikh Zayed Road, P.O. Box 15004 Dubai 15004 management@redachem.com http://redachem.com
    Serving: United Arab Emirates 行业: Packaging
  • REDA Industrial Materials P.O.Box 15004, Dubai – U.A.E, 10th Floor, Suite 1001, Al Manal Tower, Sheikh Zayed Road 971 4 3325100 najmi.ansari@redachem.com https://redachem.com/en/
    Serving: United Arab Emirates, Oman 行业: Packaging
  • REDA Majan LLC Office no. 1/23,2nd floor, building 1/8122, Ghala, Grand Mosque road, Muscat Oman, P.O. Box no. 211, PC 101 968 245 04 892 leroy.rodrigues@redachem.com
    Serving: Oman 行业: Packaging
  • REDA Materials and Equipment Al Mana Tower – Al Corniche STR. West Bay Area, 41st Floor, Office No. 1, P. O. BOX: 23376 DOHA - QATAR 974 4460 4654 hatem.eldera@redachem.com https://redachem.com/en/
    Serving: Qatar 行业: Packaging
  • Revol Leim und Lack Handels GmbH Irlbacher Str. 7 Strasskirchen 94342 Germany revol@t-online.de http://www.revol-online.de
    Serving: Germany Market: Wood and Composites 行业: Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • Rhamos & Brito Guarulhos – SP, Brazil andre@rhamosebrito.com.br http://www.rhamosebrito.com.br/
    Serving: Brazil 应用: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding 工业: Packaging, Labeling
  • Ribepar Covendo #1 Villa Fatima La Paz La Paz 1503 gcano@pinturasmonopol.com https://www.invipintsaci.com.py/
    Serving: Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 工业: Labeling, Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Paper Converting, Packaging
  • Ritetek de México S.A. de C.V. Castelar #1739, Col. Nuevo Repueblo, Monterrey, N.L., CP Mexico 64700 ventasla@hbfuller.com http://www.ritetek.com.mx
    Serving: Mexico 工业: Transportation, New Energy, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Robaco NV Gentseweg 432 Sint Eloois Vijve 8793 West Vlaanderen, Belgium info@robaco.be http://www.robaco.be
    Serving: Belgium, Luxembourg Market: Wood and Composites 行业: Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • Robert Kirk Flooring 137c Hillsborough Old Road, Lisburn, Northern Ireland BT27 5QR steve@robertkirkflooring.co.uk http://www.robertkirkflooring.co.uk/
    Serving: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 工业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: Tuskbond
  • Rodin

    Chacras de Coria, Lujpán de Cuyo, Mendoza

    info@rodinsrl.com.ar https://rodinsrl.com.ar/
    Serving: Argentina 工业: Packaging, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • RS Hughes Company, Inc. Carretera Estatal 500, No 38700 Bodega No. 7, Santa Rosa De Jauregui, Querétaro. Mexico 76220 ventasla@hbfuller.com http://www.rshughes.mx
    Serving: Mexico 工业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, Packaging, Transportation
  • RS-linija Kalvarijos G. 28C, LT-46345 Kaunas, Kaunas Lithuania +370 656 30426 renaldas@rsl.lt https://rsl.lt/lt/
    Serving: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania locationsBrands: BAM, Pressen, Prodas
  • Ruderer Klebetechnik GmbH Harthauser Str. 2 Zorneding 85604 Bayern, Germany bestellung@ruderer.de http://www.ruderer.de
    Serving: Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands (Kingdom of the), Denmark, Poland, Slovenia, Czechia, Hungary, Romania 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • Rudolph Brothers & Co. 6550 Oley Speaks Way, Canal Winchester, OH 43110 rbcsupport@rudbro.com https://www.rudolphbros.com/
    Serving: United States of America Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • SAAT SAS ZA Corne Neuve, 27 rue Ampère, 17139 Dompierre Sur Mer, France +33 05 46 07 79 71 Saat.sas@icloud.com https://www.saat.fr/
    Serving: France 行业: Transportation
  • Saeng Charoen Pattana 438/12-13 Lardphrao Road, Soi 24 Lardyao Jatujak Bangkok Thailand 10900 santihong@hotmail.com https://www.bloomberg.com/profiles/companies/1468944D:TB-saeng-charoen-patana-enterprise-co-ltd
    Serving: Thailand 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives
  • Sanyo Trading Co. Ltd 2-11, Kanda,Nishikicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054, Japan +81-3-3518-1031 k-hattori@sanyo-trading.co.jp https://www.sanyo-trading.co.jp/
    Serving: Japan Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • Sanyo Trading (Shanghai) Co Ltd Room 3001, K. Wah Centre, No. 1010 Huaihai Middle Road, Xu Hui District, Shanghai 200031, China +86 21 6472 1620 jimxu@sanyo-trading.com https://www.sanyo-trading.com/
    Serving: China Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • SAS Adheko 592, Rue de la Liberté 1480 Jassans-Riottie France martin@adheko.com http://www.collage.fr
    Serving: France 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing
  • SATI Group Via C. Bonazzi, 24 Castel Maggiore, Bologna 40013 Italy s.tonelli@satigroup.it https://www.satigroup.it/
    Serving: Italy 工业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Transportation
  • S.C. Mold Comert S.R.L. Str. Strapungerea Silvestru Nr. 28 Bl. CL7 IASI 700005 Romania office@moldcomert.ro http://www.moldcomert.ro
    Serving: Romania Market: Wood and Composites 行业: Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • Scancoll ApS Stengårdsvej 12 Middelfart 5500 Denmark jb@scancoll.dk https://www.scancoll.dk
    Serving: Denmark, Sweden, Norway 工业: Footwear, Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Labeling, Packaging, Paper Converting
  • S.D.M.I. Z.A de Kerampaou Melgven, Finistère-Bretagne 29140 France g.babin@sdmi-online.com https://www.sdmi-online.com
    Serving: France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Morocco 工业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing, Transportation, Packaging
  • Shivi Chemical Technologies Pvt Ltd 1207 Marathon Icon, Veer Santaji Lane, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai-13, India +91 77200 83404 tapas.padhi@shivichem.com https://www.shivichem.com/bonding-agents/
    Serving: India Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Friction Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND
  • SIA LIC Gotus Ulbrokas Street 42G Riga 1021 Latvia arturs@licgotus.lv http://www.licgotus.lv
    Serving: Latvia Market: Wood and Composites 行业: Wood and Composites 品牌: Rakoll
  • SIA PrintPack Service Piedrujas street, 7 Riga Latvia LV-1073 printpack@printpack.lv http://printpack.lv/
    Serving: Latvia, Estonia 工业: Graphic Arts and Bookbinding, Packaging
  • SIKA - New Zealand 85-91 Patiki Road Avondale Auckland, New Zealand 1230 sales@nz.sika.com https://nzl.sika.com/
    Serving: New Zealand 行业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives
  • SIS Hopkins Units 4 & 5 Barton Business Park, Cawdor Street, Eccles, Manchester, England M30 0QR sales@hopkins-sis.co.uk https://stevensindustrialservices.co.uk/
    Serving: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 工业: Building and Construction Products and Adhesives, Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: Tuskbond
  • SmartStroy Radialnaya Street, 15, office 48 Minsk 220070 Republic of Belarus tam_pochta@hotmail.com
    Serving: Belarus 行业: Packaging
  • SMC Minerals & Chemicals AB Stortorget 29, SE-211 34, Malmo, Sweden +46 40 617 12 51 anders@smchb.se https://www.smchb.se/
    Serving: Sweden Markets: Aerospace, Automotive, Marine 应用: Rubber-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Polyurethane-to-Substrate Bonding Agents, Friction Bonding Agents 行业: Industrial Assembly and Manufacturing 品牌: CILBOND