Roof Penetration Sealing Systems
Roof penetrations, among the most difficult of waterproofing details, should be easy and quick to install, yet dependable for decades.
Our patented Millennium Lockin’ Pocket® is designed to seal technically challenging roof penetrations where field flashing may not be practical. When installed and filled with Millennium Hurricane Force® Universal Sealer Extreme, the flashing system becomes a long lasting, waterproof flashing detail that can make the most challenging penetrations watertight in minutes. The system is compatible with most types of membrane roofing and is essentially VOC-free.Watch a video to learn more here.
The Lockin’ Pocket® U-Build™ kits offer completely customizable shapes to accommodate even the most irregular roof penetration clusters. Beyond Lockin’ Pocket®, we offer a myriad of additional caulks and sealants to assure that water remains where it belongs—outside the building.