The Glue Talk Blog

According to GlobeNewswire, the global Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS) market is poised to see a compound annual growth rate of 18.1 percent between 2018 - 2024 and is projected to reach USD 70.4 billion by that time. Much of this growth is attributed to the government requirements for vehicle safety and increasing demand for vehicle automation and self-driving cars.
Given this projected growth rate, H.B. Fuller is excited to offer adhesives and sealants for ADAS safety solutions designed to provide a more responsive driving experience.
Intelligent Safety Systems
The current adoption rate of ADAS in vehicles is about 20 percent, which will likely grow dramatically over the next few years. Already there have been many vehicle-based intelligent safety systems put into place, including the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s mandating rearview cameras as of 2018, and how a third of all 2019 vehicles have standard autobraking that can also detect pedestrians.
In an effort to keep drivers safe and accident free while operating their vehicles by a channel of complex real-time embedded systems, ADAS have a few key components, including cameras, radar (radio detection and ranging), lidar (light imaging detection and ranging), lane departure and ACC (adaptive or autonomous cruise control). H.B. Fuller can meet the demanding needs of device performance and production efficiency with our ever-expanding line up of engineered adhesive solutions.
Tailored Solutions
ADAS increasingly encompass a growing list of safety features, and H.B. Fuller materials and solutions are differentiated by high levels of performance while addressing both the need for safety and the customer’s need for tailored solutions. Some of those solutions include, but are not limited to, semiconductor packaging, PCB assembly and protection, module (box) sealant, thread locks, and specialized UV-cure adhesives for active alignment and other applications where precision is a must.
Additionally, H.B. Fuller’s next generation proprietary technologies such as LoTERA and UltraloW are targeted for the high-performance bonding and reliability requirements of the latest ADAS components and applications.
Finally, H.B. Fuller advancements in processing properties and durability excel in ADAS applications are managing the requirements of high-reliability camera modules that need precise component placement at all levels of construction. Our materials address bonding and adhering die within the image processor, component connections, PCB protection, active alignment bonding, thread locking, and structural bonding of the module itself.
Discover more about adhesives designed for advanced driver-assistance systems by speaking with an H.B. Fuller expert today.
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