The Glue Talk Blog

Adhesives play a bigger role than you might think when it comes to sustainability. It’s estimated that in the U.S. alone, more than $300 billion on energy each year goes to drafty doors and windows, inefficient appliances and other energy wasters that could be easily remedied. How does H.B. Fuller make a difference in all of this?
Sustainable practices, especially in various construction initiatives, is the way of the future. We take on the issue of renewable energy from multiple angles, creating quality materials that add sustainability to the life of our products and the communities where they’re used. Our products help the insulation and HVAC units perform as designed so their use on a system helps reduce energy usage by keeping it dry and protected from the elements that would reduce their efficiency. One such example is Childers™ insulation, adhesive, and sealant products, many of which comply with U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED requirements, or our line of Foster® products, known for their use in the protection of insulation or prevention of mold, mildew and bacteria.
Insulating the World with Green Construction
Besides having low-emitting products that contribute to environmental quality, our products help those same systems run even more efficiently with our complimentary products — especially in particularly warm areas like the Middle East or high humidity areas like the United States Gulf Coast.
It’s easy to think of insulation as little more than material that helps to buffer the indoors against heat or cold. However, insulation is a multi-tasking part of construction, serving to minimize energy use, carbon dioxide emissions, and when necessary, fire hazards. To this end, the Middle East and an increasing number of regions (like California and New York) have developed strict standards for conservational buildings. As regulations continue to include higher standards for clean and efficient buildings, it’s our goal to provide quality products that will make such an undertaking possible.
Our Promise
Sharing a conservational goal on such a large scale means more than just producing good products — its about keeping sustainable concepts in mind from the very start. We recently held training classes with our trading partners to ensure that current green specs are being met. We also continue to develop sealants, adhesives, and insulation coatings that balance both conservation and performance: cooler, cost-saving HVAC systems should provide both environmental comfort and air that you’re not worried about breathing.
Our goals extend to other areas that aim to build a greener community at large. Whether it’s creating less emissions while developing our products, reducing the amount of waste used in construction materials, or saving energy with effective insulation and sealants, we care about reducing our footprint on the world, and by proxy, the environmental impact of our customers and community.
Contact me, to get a full list of Childers™ and Foster® products that meet the most current LEED v4 requirements.
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- January (4)
February (5)
- Escolhendo o Adesivo Certo: Calçados
- Escolhendo o Adesivo Certo: Aplicações Têxteis
- Conheça Sua Equipe: Brice Bardel, Diretor Global de Negócios, Fitas, Etiquetas e Gráficos
- Navegando nas Tendências de Design de Baterias para Veículos Elétricos
- Adesivos Termofusíveis Reativos: Uma Revolução na Tecnologia de Colagem
March (4)
- Celebrando as Mulheres na Ciência no Dia Internacional da Mulher
- Descolagem sob Demanda em Baterias de Veículos Elétricos: O Futuro da Reciclagem e Reutilização Eficientes
- Produção Doméstica & Créditos Fiscais: O Impacto da IRA na Fabricação Solar
- Por que Dizemos Adesivos Cosméticos – A Ciência por Trás das Formulações de Beleza
- January (1)
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July (5)
- Tendências Emergentes em Telhados Comerciais e o Papel Fundamental dos Adesivos
- Como Adesivos Avançam a Embalagem de Alimentos Sustentável
- Como Construir a Marca de Beleza dos Seus Sonhos
- Termos de Sustentabilidade: Uma Jornada Pelas Palavras que Definem o Impacto Ambiental
- O Poder dos Adesivos e Selantes de Silicone em Aplicações de Painéis Solares
- August (4)
- September (4)
- October (1)
November (4)
- Como os Adesivos para Embalagem Flexível Estão Evoluindo para Enfrentar os Desafios de Hoje
- Como Escolher o Adesivo Certo para Aplicações Aeroespaciais
- A Importância da Gestão Térmica Abrangente em Sistemas de Bateria de Veículos Elétricos
- Perspectivas para Baterias em 2025: O que Está Energizando o Futuro da Energia?
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- 2023
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- Mercado de Rotulagem de Bebidas na África: Um Enorme Potencial
- Pote de Cola da H.B. Fuller: Caça ao Tesouro
- Aumento da População Idosa Global: Impactos e Desafios
- Inovações e Principais Desafios em Produtos Absorventes Descartáveis Sustentáveis para Higiene
- Apoiar a Equidade Racial em Nossa Comunidade
- Top 5 Razões para Investir na H.B. Fuller
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- Celebrando o Serviço Excepcional Durante as Complicações da COVID-19
- Cianoacrilatos: O Que São e O Que Fazem
- Inovadora cola de encadernação de dois componentes
- Faça a Diferença 2020
- Solução de Problemas: Canudos de papel em bebidas
- Canudos mais fortes
- Substâncias de Interesse em Produtos Absorventes Descartáveis de Higiene
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