The Glue Talk Blog

As concerns about the health of our planet rise, there is an increased focus on energy efficiency. According to the U.S. Green Building Council, buildings consume 41 percent of U.S. energy—more than the industrial (30 percent) and transportation (29 percent) sectors. In response, new technologies are necessary to improve the use of energy by residential and commercial buildings.
In the U.S. insulating glass industry, Ködispace 4SG is revolutionizing the impact windows have on the energy efficiency of a building. Ködispace 4SG is a thermoplastic warm edge system with built-in desiccant that completely replaces the traditional edge system made of spacer, desiccant and primary seal. Due to its ability to form a chemical bond with glass and silicone, this system is particularly suitable for structural glazing.
Benefits of Warm Edge
Warm edge spacers have a lower thermal conductivity than conventional aluminum spacers, resulting in a significant reduction of the thermal bridge in the border and minimized cooling of the insulating glass edge. The benefits of warm edge to the end user include:
- Less convection in the room, creating a more comfortable living space.
- Considerable reduction of condensation, lowering the health risks caused by mold spores.
- Minimized condensate on the window’s edge.
- Lower heat loss, leading to lower heating costs.
Ködispace 4SG has very low thermal conductivity and performs very well, even when compared to other warm edge systems. The system has an organic composition and is produced with environmentally-friendly raw materials. It is also completely metal-free. The increased energy efficiency of the system contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions.
Extending the Benefits of Warm Edge
For optimal performance, the warm edge must retain the argon gas filling. Few warm edge alternatives hold gas in as well as Ködispace 4SG. As shown in the diagram below, the insulating glass unit stays gas-tight during normal expansion and compression cycling of the unit. This feature helps extend the life cycle of the insulating glass much better than other warm edge options.
Photo: 4SG stays gas-tight during normal expansion and compression cycling of the unit.
The stress is extended over the full spacer width and not concentrated only on the edges.
This helps retain gas tightness and energy efficiency.
The durability and reliability of a window relies heavily on the quality of the insulating sealant and desiccant used in the manufacturing process. We look forward to helping manufacturers create longer-lasting, more energy-efficient windows.
Want to learn more? Stop by our booth at WinDoor.
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