The Glue Talk Blog
Recently, the H.B. Fuller Company Foundation awarded grants to 11 nonprofits serving youth in the Twin Cities. These grants support STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education and youth leadership development in our headquarters community.
STEM Education grants support initiatives that provide added exposure to science, technology, engineering and math concepts and experiences, sparking the interest of our next generation.
Breakthrough Twin Cities
Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library
Genesys Works - Twin Cities
Ka Joog
Osiris Organization
University of Minnesota Foundation – Bell Museum
Urban Ventures
Cookie Cart
Dream Of Wild Health
H2O for Life
Multiplying Good
The foundation awarded a total of $300,000 in support of racial equity, STEM, and youth leadership programming in its headquarters community in Minnesota in 2022. An additional $150,000 was provided to international nonprofit organizations providing equitable education and leadership opportunities for women and young people.
Since 1986, H.B. Fuller has been supporting communities around the world where our employees live and work through the H.B. Fuller Company Foundation. Each year, H.B. Fuller awards more than $1.3 million in grants to support STEM education, youth leadership development, racial equity, and other causes selected by employees. H.B. Fuller is proud to partner with these organizations to support the next generation of innovators and leaders and to create a more just society.
Grantmaking is just one-way H.B. Fuller supports the communities where our employees live and work. Learn more about how we give back by following #HBFullerCares on social media and by visiting
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- How Adhesives Advance Eco-Friendly Food Packaging
- How to Build the Beauty Brand of Your Dreams
- Sustainability Terminologies: A Journey Into the Words that Define Environmental Impact
- The Power of Silicone Adhesives and Sealants in Solar Panel Applications
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- Cómo están evolucionando los adhesivos para embalaje flexible para enfrentar los desafíos actuales
- Cómo elegir el adhesivo adecuado para aplicaciones aeroespaciales
- La importancia de la gestión térmica integral en los sistemas de baterías de vehículos eléctricos
- Tendencias de Baterías de 2025: ¿Qué Está Impulsando el Futuro de la Energía?
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- La Casa de Pegamento de H.B. Fuller: Búsqueda del Tesoro
- Increasing Global Aging Population: Impacts and Challenges
- Innovations and Key Challenges in Sustainable Disposable Absorbent Hygiene Products
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- Celebración de un servicio excepcional durante COVID-19 Complicaciones
- Cianoacrilatos: Qué son y para qué sirven
- El innovador adhesivo de dos disparos para encuadernación ofrece una gran resistencia al calor y una menor temperatura de agrietamiento en frío
- Marca la diferencia 2020
- Resolución de problemas: Pajitas de papel en las bebidas
- Pajitas de papel más resistentes y eficientes
- Sustancias de interés en productos higiénicos absorbentes desechables
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- Dr. Christian Scherer: Experto en productos de vidrio para la construcción
- Elastómeros: Tecnologías que impulsan la innovación en los neumáticos
- H.B. Fuller y Covestro: Juntos hacia la neutralidad climática
- Seguridad de Hot Melt: Prevención, precauciones y medidas de seguridad
- Apoyar la igualdad racial en nuestra comunidad
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