The Glue Talk Blog

One major benefit you can offer your cargo trailer customers is the peace of mind that their roofs won’t leak. A leaky roof can not only impact the trailer’s structure, but it can also damage the contents inside. Using quality materials is important to keep your end-product waterproof and airtight.
Aluminum is one of the more common substrates used on horse and cargo trailer roofs. Sheets of aluminum are aesthetically pleasing with a hard surface that helps reinforce the trailer and protect it from environmental factors and low-hanging tree branches. However, roofs covered with aluminum can also be more vulnerable to oxidation and stress cracks. The sealant you use can add significant protection and durability to the aluminum sheeting to strengthen your structure.
Our trailer roof sealing products can also help keep your trailer air and watertight. We have a wide variety of solutions from high-performance tapes to strong value-based liquids that provide excellent adhesion, high flexibility, and resistance to UV and weathering decomposition.
H.B. Fuller’s Eternabond® tape with advanced MicroSealant® technology is our highest performing roof sealing solution that creates an air-tight waterproof barrier on towable trailer roofs. Eternabond tape boasts a 100% solids content that stays flexible to -57 degrees Celsius (or -70 degrees Fahrenheit.) This feature makes it almost impossible to thermally shock the seams of your trailer.
MicroSealant technology also offers excellent resistance to high temperatures, ultraviolet light, and other environmental factors. Eternabond MicroSealant tape is comprised of synthetic polymers with a proprietary built-in primer that produces an instant bond to most materials and substrates.
Eternabond roof sealing tape offers:
- A clean finish.
- Easy application without the mess.
- Tight seal without additional sealing products required.
- No shrinkage.
- Recreational Vehicles (RVs).
- Semi-Trailers and Box Trucks.
- Bus and Rail.
- Home Roofs.
- Commercial Roofs.
Learn more about our Eternabond tape and other trailer roof sealants. Contact your sales representative for more details or email [email protected] to request a sample.
Mark your calendar to visit with us in booth #712 at the NATM Show in Las Vegas on February 11-13.
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- Eligiendo el Adhesivo Adecuado: Aplicaciones Textiles
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