Our philanthropic vision is to help young people grow into productive, successful adults. We are proud to support initiatives around the world that prepare the next generation of leaders and innovators.
H.B. Fuller's corporate giving is focused on STEM - science, technology, engineering and math – education, youth leadership development, and racial equity. Funding is available in the communities surrounding H.B. Fuller’s headquarters in St. Paul, Minnesota. Additional funding is directed to key projects in locations outside the U.S. and are made by invitation only.
Change starts from within
H.B. Fuller empowers its people to invest in their local communities through our network of 38 Community Affairs Councils (CACs), composed of dedicated groups of employees who respond to local needs through volunteerism and financial donations. Based on employee feedback, CACs guide their work to local nonprofit organizations and are empowered to respond quickly and at the request of their colleagues. In 2022, CACs held supply drives for school supplies, shoes, holiday gifts, blankets, hygiene items, and much more, along with more than $75,000 donated to organizations in their local communities.
Lifting our Communities
Lifting our communities and inspiring future generations
As the saying goes, we make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. And because no successful life — or business — should be devoid of service to others, we at H.B. Fuller do well by doing good. From corporate giving to employee volunteerism and service, we are dedicated to making a difference in our communities and promoting social progress. Our community impact strategy relies on a targeted approach to community investment, with a preference for programs that share our commitment to STEM, racial equity, and equipping young people to become the next generation of leaders and thinkers.
Over the last few years, change has been a constant for us all, but H.B. Fuller’s dedication to serving our communities remains steadfast. No matter the location or challenge, we will always make time to plant the seeds for a brighter future in the communities where we live and work.
Sarah Neunsinger
Director, Global Communications & Community Affairs
Executive Director, H.B. Fuller Company Foundation -
How to Apply for Funding
Minnesota STEM and Youth Leadership Grants
The H.B. Fuller Company Foundation conducts two grant cycles per year for STEM and Youth Leadership programming in the communities surrounding our St. Paul, Minnesota headquarters. Applications accepted March 1-31 and August 1-31.
Minnesota Racial Equity Fund
The H.B. Fuller Company Foundation conducts one grant cycle per year in support of Racial Equity programming that addresses employment, education, and community safety in the communities surrounding our St. Paul, Minnesota headquarters. Applications accepted May 1-31.
Contact the H.B. Fuller Company Foundation with any questions.
Stories of our Impact
At H.B. Fuller, we are deeply committed to building strong communities and promoting social progress. Our employees bring that commitment to life by participating in various corporate social responsibility programs that encourage volunteerism in their communities.
In 2022, our impact on the community reached 25 countries, and over 325 organizations. From H.B. Fuller, we have donated $1.3M, and over 1400 employee volunteers dedicated more than 7,000 hours to volunteering. Learn more about some of our impact stories for 2022 – just a few from many others – and get to know our volunteer of the year.